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Introduction to roles

Administrators can create and modify user roles in the system and associate access to various modules to those roles.

Administration > User Administration > Roles will take you to the Manage Roles page, which displays a list view of all existing roles.

Table 1: List view contents

Columns Description
Name Name of the role
Description Description of the role
Created Date Date the role was created
Last Updated Date the role was last updated

Default roles

Brinqa applications come with several default roles, which can be deleted or modified as needed.

Table 2: Default roles

Role Description
User Basic user which has read access to hosts, vulnerabilities, and tickets. Does not have any admin access.
Risk Analyst Risk Analyst has create, read, update, and delete access to hosts, vulnerabilities, tickets, and reports. Also has the ability to administer organizational units such as business units.
Security Analyst This role is used to administer Brinqa Security with regards to user accounts and access control policies for roles without having access to any secure data.
Configurator Configurator has full access to administering the backend of the platform, but does not have access to reports.
Administrator Administrator has full access to the platform.

Create a new role

  1. Navigate to Administration > User Administration > Roles
  2. Click Create Role
  3. Fill in the following and click Create:

Table 3: New role properties

Field Description
Name Name of the role.
Description Description of the role. This may be a good place to define what types of users should be assigned to this role.
Roles Parent roles for this role. Roles with parents inherit the permissions of their parent.

Edit or delete a role

Existing roles that were created manually can be edited or deleted by clicking the Actions button that appears to the right on mouseover of the entry on the list view. However, default roles can only be edited, not deleted.